I am so glad you are here.
Grab a cup of tea and pull up a chair because I have a story for you...
I have always been super ambitious, always craving to be, do, and achieve more. On one hand this has led me to much achievement and success in my career and life… but on the dark side, I was extremely hard on myself. I was poor at giving myself permission to take a break which led to endless cycles of fatigue and burnout.
At my darkest moment (in which you can read all about in my book HERE), all of my ambition was building up inside where is was causing debilitating stress and anxiety. My inner monolog was a “negative Nancy” filled with impostor syndrome, doubt, and fear and I had so much judgement around what it looked like to become successful, partnered with the fear of failing, that I pushed for perfection, people pleasing, and a perpetual state of busyness.
Does this sound remotely familiar?
I was in this cycle of feeling never “enough” until one day it hit me – this situation, this pain and anguish was completely self-inflicted. No one was pushing me. No one was telling me what to do or how to be, but myself. YUCK! That did not feel good.
I had stretched myself to my own detriment that my ambitious self was causing the war of self-doubt and fear inside. This realization sparked a fire within me to explore and understand why I, and so many of other brilliance women, were getting in our own way.
Since then I have dedicated myself to understanding the causes of this tension and developed ways to understand and manage it. I realized that the ambitious woman is never going to settle for the status quo as she always has her eyes on the horizon with her aspirations and dreams. On the outside she is strong, has it all together, and can handle anything with stride, but we all know that may not always be how she feels about herself.
Because part of her journey is constantly pushing herself to the edges of extreme change and growth, pioneering new territory, which are inevitably uncomfortable and cause moments of self-doubt, indecisiveness, and fear.
It doesn’t matter how evolved we are, or how much “work” we’ve done, it will happen and doesn’t go away, as it is part of the process of constantly moving into a place you’ve never been before, a place of uncertainty. Understanding this and taking this on is self-leadership and conquering it with a growth mindset.
Because we cannot have bravery without fear, and we must learn to work through our blocks (our mountains) to achieve the big dreams we have for our success.
Now, I am dedicated to supporting other women to become leaders in their inner and outer life so they can achieve success without sacrificing their lifestyle, heath, or sanity to get there. Because let’s be honest, the journey has got to feel just as good as the destination to fully enjoy all that life and our experiences have to offer.

So, how do you want to feel?
What if discovering how you want to feel in all areas of your life and career opened up the possibility to always being on the right path.
Because knowing how you want to feel is the most potent form of clarity you can have.
I help you intuitively and holistically build a strategy and action plan that can show you the stairs to success (because it is not only safer, it is saner). One step at a time feeling amazing the whole way.
Doesn’t that sound lovely?
I believe success isn’t about the destination, it’s about the journey. And I want you to feel confident and successful Every. Single. Day.
Certifications and the official details

Gina Fresquez
Gina Fresquez, MS, best selling author, speaker, and leadership & success coach is committed to empowering ambitious female founders and corporate leaders to discover their unique gifts, strengths, and internal compass to help them make bold decisions with more confidence, ease, and grace. Gina provides the tools and mindset to overcome overwhelm and banish burnout allowing women to get out of their own way and fully step up as the leader they desire to be both in their life and career.
After spending many years in corporate sales, Gina made her dream of becoming an entrepreneur come true in 2012, when she started her first side hustle. Since then she has enjoyed the journey of strategically and intuitively coaching her clients through mitigating fears and facilitating the breakthroughs, transformations, and transitions of aligning themselves with the work they are meant to do in the world, in a way that feels good to them while also making a positive impact on the world. Gina accomplishes this through speaking, workshops, private coaching, masterminds, and retreats.
Gina holds a master’s degree from the University of Arizona and coaching certifications from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and HCI Transformational Coaching Method, and Dare to Lead, a Desire Map Facilitator, as well as trained in stress management and NLP mindset work.
Gina lives in Seattle with her husband, René, and son, Ezra. Together they love traveling and exploring the outdoors rain or shine.
If you’d like to hire Gina to speak, coach, or facilitate a workshop, send her a note at hello@ginafresquez.com