What’s really holding you back from stepping up into that next level of your business and career?

Deep down you know what you want to do. It is something like: Launching that program, negotiating that contract, reaching out to that warm lead, speaking on stage, writing that book, starting your YouTube channel, pitching your podcast, ask for funding… you name it. 

Well love, what’s getting in your way is FEAR.

It is nothing to be ashamed of because honestly no matter where we are on our entrepreneurial journey we all have them. Doubts, worries, and anxieties that come up when getting started, when we are trying to put ourselves out there, change, launch, pivot, or do something new. That inner gremlin pops up and says you aren’t good enough, who do you think you are, or you can’t do this. This little voice is holding you back and getting in your way from the success you desire, and it’s keeping you stuck.

But before we can be liberated from and leverage our fears to get what we want, we must first understand fear.

Fear comes from one of the oldest most primal parts of our brain that is wired to keep us safe. In its simplest form, change means death. So it will work extremely hard to keep us “alive.” Now this has served us for thousands of years, keeping humankind alive and well. But in our modern times, there is a shift in how we relate to our fears.

Many of our common fears are not physical threats but mental. Some fears are conscious, some are not. Sneakily, they show up as perfectionism, laziness, stress, resistance, imposter syndrome, people pleasing, or being too busy. But bringing them into the light will help us recognize and understand them better – which is clarity.

Getting clear on what you are scared of can instantly defuse ticking anxiety bombs.

Danielle LaPorte

I don’t believe in being fearLESS.

Now there are many ways to approach fear. Some say you must BUST through your fear, tell you fears to f*ck off, shove them aside and get after it, or that to succeed you must be fearLESS. But that is not the approach that I believe in, nor teach. I believe that fear is a part of us, trying to tell us something and we need to listen to her for a moment, give her some love and attention, let her express herself, and work though the discomfort and pain together. This is the only way to be fully liberated from the fear holding you back. 

So instead of fighting against fear, work with it.

If you are ready to finally liberate and leverage your fears and doubts keeping you stuck but fully unleash your brilliance and make a difference in your life, your business, and the world – then I have something JUST FOR YOU.


Liberate + Leverage Your Fear – Group Coaching

A 6 week intimate group coaching program with Gina to support you in getting clear on what you desire for the next level  your business, overcome the doubts and fear standing in your way, and plan for velocity of your success.

Are you ready?

If you try to get rid of fear and anger without knowing their meaning, they will grow stronger and return.

Deepak Chopra

This intimate full blown support group coaching experience is for you if:

You procrastinate or hesitate on taking action on the goals you actually really want achieve.

You have anxiety and overwhelm when you think about getting what you really want in your business and life.

You identify with being a perfectionist or struggle with getting over your perfectionism.

You end up talking yourself out of everything you think you want or desire. Susspecting self-sabotage and self-doubt are getting in your way.

You really desire to move forward and get what you want but it's just not happening for you and you are frustrated and confused.

You feel paralized when proceeding to take action on the things that you know will grow your business and career, and feeling imposter syndrom creep in.

You are finally ready to step up, take control, remove doubt, and launch forward in becoming unstoppable in the pursuit of your goals this year.

You know you don't want to do this alone and desire the support and sisterhood to see this through.

“To say this experience was transformative would be a huge understatement! Through Gina’s guidance, I was compelled to embrace my fear in a loving way and use it to elevate myself to the next level. Since that time, I have taken big steps towards furthering my career and personal development. Gina has an innate ability to speak truth over fears and insecurities in a way that feels as if her voice becomes part of my inner guide. She then arms me with the tools and language I need to begin rewriting those inner scripts myself. If you find yourself in a place where you’re feeling lost or not living up to your full potential, say yes and let her help you unlock your deepest desires and everything that is keeping you from them. I promise you won’t be sorry.” 

Katie Wood

Author, Women Who Illuminate

“Learning from Gina to embrace your fear – it holds answers, it provides clarity, and gave me the momentum to start my business. This is the perfect place to start with Gina – she is intuitive and will bring the best out in you. The group will provide strength and support for your journey. Thank you!” 

Martha Towers

RN/Coach, The Enlightened Womb

“During Gina’s 6 week fear course I successfully launched my first program because I had the support and guidance to finally overcome my resistance and fear. Her coaching and guidance gave me the mental clarity I needed along with action steps to help me succeed. I would recommend this course to anyone wanting more momentum and support to make things happen!” 

Leah Castle

Health Coach, Living On Roots

Together, starting October 30th, we will work through my proven process that I use with my private clients, to remove fear and be liberated to pursue your goals with newfound confidence.

What you will receive and all that is included in the 6 week experience:

Weekly Group Content + Coaching Calls

Each week Gina will take you through the steps of identifying and removing the fears, doubts, judgements, and worries that are getting in the way of your big goal. Then move into leveraging it all so you can always succeed with your goals  now and in the future. All calls recorded.

Guidebooks + Writing Prompts

Gina will provide you with the writing prompts, questions, and journal exercises so that you will not only work through the framework with her but give you tools to do this on your own in future (anytime a pesky fear pop us, address it head on). 

Private 1:1 Coaching Call with Gina

During our time together you will also receive one private coaching session with Gina so you and her can get laser focused on what is coming up for you and quickly move you into action with your big goals and dreams. 

Guided Visualization + Recording

Not only will Gina be guiding you through this powerful visualization live to identify, liberate, and leverage your fear (once and for all), but you will also recieve the recording so that you can use it time and time again to address any fears that come your way. 

Private Facebook Group

Stay engaged, ask questions, and process through the fears in between calls and have access to Gina’s office hours. Engage and have lifetime access to this content and community of ambitious women.  

BONUS - Goals with Soul workshop

Receive Gina’s signature Goals with Soul workshop and workbook to discover how you want to feel everyday (core desired feelings), while pursuing your goals, and make sure you are aligned with how you achieve success with less burnout and more ease. 

Our adventure together and your liberation from doubt & fear begins on October 30th, 2019








“You have such a realistic approach to fear, based on acknowledging and appreciating the information that is only carried through fear. This experience wasn’t about subduing, or “powering through”, but about using the insight that fear brings so we can do our best work. The meditation exercise you took us through was such a potent visualization for seeing + loving our fears–a revolutionary act. Thank you!”

Reneé Masur

Manager, Danielle LaPorte

“Beautiful! Loved the community feel. I had a huge a-ha about my life in general that fell into place after your session. Thank you Gina. So much of what you were saying resonates so strongly.”

Tammy J.


JOIN US! Space is limited to keep this experience intimate and high touch so register today to grab your spot with some other amazing ambitious women just like you.

If we haven’t met yet, hi! I’m Gina, and I’m here to help you get crystal clear on your vision, remove fear and doubt standing in you way, and full on succeed in where you want to go with your dreams.

I’m a transformational coach and mentor for world changing ambitious women. I started my entrepreneurial journey with a side hustle and grew a whole business around helping other ladies do the same thing.

Now, it’s a bit more than business, it’s a way of life. I help ambitious high achieving women get out of their own way to make big bold decisions with confidence and ease to become unstoppable in creating the lives and business they desire. Because sister, I KNOW you have some big plans!

Over the past few years, I’ve devoted my life to helping women step into their power, find their true purpose, and discover their own inner compass through coaching, retreats, and in my #1 Internationally Best Selling book, Women Who Illuminate.

My goal is to support you on your path to more joy, ease and freedom, not by avoiding tough situations but by building the mindset and support system to get through anything.

If there’s anything I know, you have some amazing things you want to accomplish and a big impact you want to make – so let’s make sure you avoid burnout and remove the blocks and fears getting in your way so that you can become liberated and unstoppable. 

And one of the very first steps to becoming unstoppable is moving past the fear and doubt of why you can’t have it. Are you ready for that first step?

Ready to finally move past your fears and doubts so you can step up and succeed with your big goals this year?

Then let’s do this thing!

Just think, in only 6 weeks you could be unstoppable in finally pursuing your business and life dreams. Confidently stepping up and asking for what you want and making it happen.

You deserve to achieve your goals in a way that feels good, with much ease and grace. And you are far too amazing and talented to have your fears stand in your way. What would it look and feel like to move past your fears…

You have now confidently showed up in your business to be seen, and share authentically with your tribe, and are now a known expert in your niche – attracting clients with ease.

You are no longer guessing on what to do and how to do it in your business and life, as you have already gained crystal clarity on what you what and super confident you can have it.

You finally made those scary but necessary decisions to quit your job, move cities, start that business, join that partnership, speak on stage, plan that event, write that book, invest big in yourself, etc. with total ease and grace.

You are exactly where you want to be, confidently running your business how YOU want, hitting your goals and it feels liberating and freaking amazing! You have become unstoppable!

… if this is at all close to what you envisioned too, then you are a perfect fit to join me in this 6 week group coaching experience to overcome whatever is getting in your way to success. 


What if I change my mind?

I want you to be fully committed and ALL IN during our time together and because of the detailed logistics of this program, registration is not refundable, but transferable to another program or event. If you have questions before registering, please email me and I’ll will be happy to help you figure out if this program is right for you.

What if I can’t make the coaching calls live?

All calls will be recorded and sent to you within 48 hours. This helps if you miss a session or if you want to re-listen to the call for reference. Though making the calls live is encouraged, the content and FB group will be jam packed with helpful exercises and constant support to get your to your next desired level of success.

Will I have direct access to Gina?

YES! You will have access to her in the Facebook group and on the weekly calls. You will also have one private coaching call with Gina to address whatever you need.  

Do you have a payment plan?

YES! While paying in full saves you some dinero, you can choose the payment plan option for your convienece. 

Will you be offering this again?

At this time I cannot promise anything. If I do offer this again it most likely will be priced differently and won’t have as much access to me so I highly suggest jumping in now. 

When does the program start and when are the calls?

We begin October 30th,  at 11:00AM PST / 2:00PM EST 
The rest of the calls will be held on the following six Wednesdays thereafter. 

What is the time commitment?

The calls will be 60-90 minutes each per week. Plus there will be journal prompts to explore some of the weeks as well as engaging in the FB group, which will be approxamately an additional 1 hour a week. 

Got more questions, or want to chat with me to see if this is the best experience for you right now? Send me a note:

6 + 3 =

xo, Gina